Thursday, July 31, 2008


Happy 27 Anniversary baby.. You will always be in my heart no matter what.. Me loves ya!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nursing College Sports Day

Ahhh Saturday.. The day with full of enjoyment! Right, haha. Anyways we have sports day today at the College of Nursing.. And the games were fun! Whoever organized it, you guys did a tremendous job! *claps* Heheh. I've got some shots below.. I did take ALOT of pictures, you can find it @ Feel free to drop off any comments ya? InsyaAllah I'll put the pictures into a CD, but will be given to college! So anyone who's interested, approach me! *wink* Ah yes, we went to Bandar Town and watched te tanglong and fireworks.. Will try to post the pictures soon after editing! As for now, enjoy the moments of 26/7/08!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Messing around with my gear..


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dance fever!

The Suri Seri Begawan Hospital (my workplace!) held a performance last Sunday night. Too bad I couldn't join them dancing.. Its ok, I'll conquer the stage next year! Haha. Anyways, I've got my headache back again cuz I went fishing that morning.. (Belureh udang galah ganya guys..) But I don't wanna let my friends down so I came.. Besides I haven't seen them dance from a distance. So thats my chance to watch them and also taking shots of them.. There were some bloopers but I'll not put them here.. Marah krg durang! Hehe. Oh yes! I met shasha and the gang (mami and Dd).. I miss them so much.. Lama sudah nada lepak like that night.. Kan painQ? Oh well.. *sob* Right, here it is.. I know its not in good quality but hey, at least its visible! LOL.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Danau calling..

Today (15/7/08) we went to Danau for a fishing trip. There were 7 of us.. Me, baby, ayu, PGS, Rijal, Boy and Lyn. I think we arrived at bout 7am. Thats when I saw a live barramundi being caught by someone! And that someone happened to be one of the selunsong team anglers, Majidi. I met the the captain of the team, Selunsong :) He taught us alot of stuff regarding how to catch barramundi.. I'll try all those techniques next time once I found king prawns!

Anyways, we didn't catch alot of fish.. Two kalakitoks only! *jaditah* and the Selunsong team was very kind and sweet enough to give me Kerapu since its my mama's favorite! Once again, thank you.. The pictures below are dedicated to you all.. Danau Menjerit Lagi!



Sofy (Bounty)

Shemah (Baby)




Our fishing rods

Selunsong Team Anglerz

Selunsong with selunsong!

Majidi with selunsong


Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday Morning

The Empire's tissue


Rainbow (Its not clear though)

Very pink flower

This is out! Baby's fishing rod :)


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tungku Beach

Today's plan was to go casting at Tungku Beach.. Tiring jua casting ani, baik pulang pakai umpan tu.. Hehe. Anyways, I got tired so I took out my camera and start shooting here and there, and so these are the results.. I love it, mind you! Lol.

The great stones of pantai Tungku

Boys gazing at something

The breaks of water

A small crab

A not-so-small crab


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Snap snap!

An old log at the beach
On the way to the ocean
A drop from the roof
Coconut trees
Sand and branches

I took some more random shots from Tutong and Bandar.. I know its not so clear but its the best I can do! *wink* Enjoy!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Amateur snapshots

Dried Leaf

Green green grass

That is one nice looking cat!

Mom's old orchid

A kitten staring at its papa


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