Tuesday, September 16, 2008

50mm f/1.8D has arrived!

Yessss! I just bought Nikkor Lens 50mm f/1.8D for a reasonable price, $180 at Yayasan Basement floor.. I forgot the name of the shop but on the kotak it says Photo Kis.. It originally costs $209 but I did a little bargain and he said "you give me a price" so I said $180 and DEAL! Aaahhh puas ati ehh.. I'm gonna go buy some more dari sana since the bargain is quite easy.. And yes, after I bought the lens, I went to Hua Ho Yayasan and bought a Sony Handycam HDD 30GB and the free gifts were a bag case, a tripod and a Sony CyberShot camera for only $1***!! Haha. Bought it for my baby's birthday present.. Yea yea I bought all these stuffs pasal my loan keluarrrr! Haha. Bah lets see all the shots I've taken TADI! Comments if you must!

Testing testing..

Baby and her birthday gifts from me!

Front view of Sony Handycam

Just playing around.. Look! The Ghost of me..
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